Magnets And Seahorses

Emotions are useless as is, we don't need them. Ew. Who needs to feel like they're floating in the air or sinking deep into the Earth when surviving on this cursed cold rock warmed only by the star set to destroy it is a luxury in itself? Emotions by themselves are a gift. However, humanity managed to make the one thing that gives us clarity into a mess of swirling thoughts that lead to feeling elated or feeling dead even if you're just enjoying breathing on your bed. 

Seahorses have their stuff sorted in this regard. Explore. Eat or get eaten. Have fun existing in the deep blue of the world. The best part of their life is their mating procedure. They're either in it for life or not. No doubts, no cheats, no faith, just a pure fact ingrained in their biological genes. Whoever created this species clearly had a favorite in mind. Humans on the other hand. Fickle. Doubtful. Complex. Unpredictable. Anything can set them off. A single movie, a person, an idea, a belief. Anything can change the way they decide to live their lives and sometimes they won't even be aware that they've changed. 

They say that opposites attract. Similar to magnets. The only difference being, if you put two magnet balls on a curved plane with a hollow center, they will eventually meet at the end and stick. The same can't be said about two humans. The way they would roll, the bumps on the surface, and seeing the reaction of the other may set them off. Meeting at the hollow center, no matter how curved the surface may be, is still a gamble. Not many would be confident in betting on their meeting at the end. No matter how predictable it may seem and how fixed it may seem. Humans change with elements of emotions, internal ones and the ones the other expresses externally. This fog of confusion that never clears, this silence that runs words equal to entire biographies, unnecessary. A waste of time. Yet we still have nothing better to do than to be stuck in the endless loop because some idiot who got dropped on his head when he was born decided to mix emotions with intelligence. 


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