Never Settle For High Maintenance

Would you buy a Lamborghini if you only had the salary of a working middle-class person? No. Any person who answers otherwise does not know shit about the taxes and expenses of a high-end product. Everyone has made a race to make anything and everything as convenient as possible for as long as we can remember. 

However, we will never apply this same strategy to ourselves. We value ourselves too much to be considered anything other than high maintenance. "Never sell yourself short" is the phrase many love to use to emphasize how grand and valuable they are. They are not. Your time, while you are conscious, is valuable and that is it. To whom or to what you devote that time to gives that person or hobby a sense that they are valuable because you gave it time. 

So why give something that high maintenance or something that is guaranteed to take up all of your time importance? Is it an obsession? A possession? Would you love that thing or person less if you stopped giving it time? No. For example: Take any superhero or God of your choosing, how much time has it been since you gave your last prayer or kept up with the latest comic? Does the time you devote to them affect how much value it holds for you? No.

So never settle for high maintenance. Unless you are an asshole with low self-esteem that always has to show off just how much you do to take care of the thing you value, you are just a plain idiot. Don't lock yourself into something that will just keep absorbing your time and in turn, absorbing you as a person, that by the end of it all, you lose what you are, who you are, and why you are. Perhaps you may be in the business of showing off, which is a totally different scenario altogether. 

If you have to settle for something, anything really, try and find something that will suck your soul a little less. Something that gives you time to focus on the things you can give time to. Something that makes you feel freer in comparison to when you had nothing because that has a higher chance of making your life better without ruining the other in the process. 


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