Superficial Gears Of Progress

Ever asked yourself why the world works the way it does? Humans gained knowledge on how to launch a team of people into space, yet scammers exist. Having the privilege of knowing everything will crumble one day, yet artists exist. Why? Why not focus on exploration and science in its most raw sense? It has already been proven that we can learn anything with enough interest and curiosity. World-class chess players build their entire lives around their passion, only then have they reached the peak of their performance. Some have estimated it at around 10100,000. Out of those, 10120 games are "typical": about 40 moves long with an average of 30 choices per move. These world-class champions have made chess into something as trivial as Tic Tac Toe.

The amazing potential that lies within the human brain is something to marvel at. Yet we squander our gift of potential. Indulging in arts, finances, psychology, and entertainment. None of those industries contribute towards the progress of what humanity can truly achieve. Movies of today have enough budget to fund hundreds of departments of science let alone feed a single family for generations to come. We have already seen what science can do for our planet, bringing it to the edge of its destruction with nuclear bombs while reviving it with by tapping into eco-friendly energy-harnessing tactics. So why? Why do we think we're progressing every day when we focus on such superficial industries of progress? 

Distraction. Not everyone wants to be immortal. Not everyone wants to see technology advance. Some are better with the way things were, some with the way things are, and some question what the hell is going on. If anything at all, every person has left a footprint. Physically if not digitally. Scientists just aim at making that footprint permanent. Something that can't be erased with a gust of change in the sands of time. So go out there and do what you feel would make your insignificant and worthless footprint mean something. Because in the tornado that is life, nothing matters yet everything exists. So find why you exist and cling to it regardless of how worthless it is. Making a map of footprints is better than having no map to progress whether actual or superficial. 


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